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recipe image Strawberry Tart

Strawberry Tart

You will definitely need a second slice! Prepare your own mouthwatering Strawberry Tart with Violife Creamy Original!

You will definitely need a second slice! Prepare your own mouthwatering Strawberry Tart with Violife Creamy Original!

  • Preparation time
    20 min
  • 35 min
  • Servings
    Portions 8
  • Medium


  • 1 pack Violife 100% Vegan Just Like Cream Cheese Original Violife Just Like Cream Cheese Original
  • 1 vegan pastry crust
  • 175 ml lemon juice
  • lemon zest
  • 50 ml coconut cream
  • 4 tbsp caster sugar
  • 2 tbsp corn starch
  • 1 ½ tsp agar agar powder
  • 1 tbsp turmeric powder (less or more depending on the colour you wish)
  • ½ pack whole strawberries
  • 50 g coconut sugar
  • Lavender to decorate


  1. Place pastry in a tart tin with removable bottom. Blind bake for 15-20 minutes. Set aside to cool.
  2. For the lemon curd mix the Violife Creamy Original, lemon juice, zest, coconut cream, caster sugar, corn starch and turmeric powder until no lumps remain. Place in a small pot and bring to a slow boil. Continue whisking, until it starts thickening. When the curd starts to boil, add the agar agar powder, whisk for one extra minute and remove from the stove.
  3. Directly pour into the blind-baked pastry and place in the fridge to set for 2 hours. Mix strawberries with coconut sugar and set aside to marinade.
  4. To serve, decorate with the marinated strawberries and sprinkle with lavender.