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recipe image No Bake Reindeer Rocky Road - Country Crock Plant Butter

No Bake Reindeer Rocky Road - Country Crock Plant Butter

Country Crock® Dairy-Free, No Bake Reindeer Rocky Roa

Country Crock® Dairy-Free, No Bake Reindeer Rocky Roa

  • Preparation time
    30 min
  • 2 hr 30 min
  • Servings
    Portions 12
  • Easy


For Rocky Road
  • 3 cups digestive biscuits or plain biscuits
  • 1 cup vegan mini marshmallow
  • Zest of 2 oranges (omit if you don't like orange flavored chocolate)
  • 3 tablespoons corn syrup
  • 7 ounces dairy free chocolate or chocolate chips
  • 3/4 cup (1 1/2 sticks) Country Crock® Plant Butter Sticks with Avocado Oil plus extra for greasing
For Ganache
  • 4 1/2 ounces dairy free chocolate or chocolate chips
  • 1/2 cup Country Crock® Plant Cream
  • 3 1/2 ounces dairy-free white chocolate
  • 2 candy eyes
  • 1 maraschino cherry


Rocky Road
  1. Thoroughly grease an 8” round cakepan with Country Crock Plant Butter. Press a circular piece of parchment paper to the bottom. This is essential for removal!
  2. Break apart biscuits into little chunks and pour into a heat proof bowl, such as thick glass. Add mini vegan marshmallows and orange zest and stir to combine.
  3. To a medium sized saucepan, add the corn syrup, dairy free chocolate and Country Crock Plant Butter. Gently heat the ingredients on low until completely melted, continually stir using a spatula or wooden spoon to prevent sticking and burning on the bottom and sides.
  4. Once melted, let cool slightly so it doesn’t melt the marshmallows too much, then pour the chocolate mixture over the biscuits and marshmallows mixture. Stir well to ensure everything is coated in the chocolate mixture.
  5. Transfer the mixture into the greased pan, compacting it with a spatula, pressing down into the edges as firmly as possible. Place the tin in the fridge for 2-3 hours or until fully set.
  1. n a medium saucepan combine the dairy free chocolate and Country Crock Plant Cream or dairy-free heavy cream. Heat over low until melted, stirring continually to prevent burning. Allow ganache to cool for a few minutes.
  2. To remove the rocky road from the tin, carefully flip the pan upside down and tap to release the chocolate. If needed, you can run a warmed knife around the edges to loosen it. Remove parchment paper if it is stuck to it and place rocky road on a wire rack over a baking tray. Pour ganache over top of the rocky road and spread it with an offset spatula so it drips slightly down the sides. Transfer the rocky road to a tray or board lined with parchment paper and place it in the freezer for 5 minutes to harden the ganache.
  1. n a heat proof bowl, add white chocolate. Microwave on high for 10 seconds. Stir. Then microwave in increments of 5 seconds, stirring each time until completely melted. Allow white chocolate to cool slightly. Transfer to a heatproof piping bag and snip off the tip. Pipe two antlers onto parchment paper and place in freezer to set.
To Assemble
  1. Place rocky road on a serving plate. Press antlers, candy eyes and a maraschino cherry for the reindeer’s nose into the ganache. Slice and enjoy!