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recipe image Mediterranean Quinoa Salad

Mediterranean Quinoa Salad

Boost your metabolism with this fresh Mediterranean Quinoa salad! Vegan salad made easy with quinoa, rocket, chickpeas, olives and Violife Greek White.

Boost your metabolism with this fresh Mediterranean Quinoa salad! Vegan salad made easy with quinoa, rocket, chickpeas, olives and Violife Greek White.

  • Preparation time
    15 min
  • 15 min
  • Servings
    Portions 2
  • Easy


  • 100 g Violife 100% Vegan Just Like Feta crumbled Violife Just Like Feta Cheese
  • 250 g quinoa
  • 10 fresh basil leaves, chopped
  • 3 cups rocket
  • 100 g canned chickpea beans, drained
  • 100 g roasted red bell pepper, drained and chopped
  • 50 g pitted kalamata olives, halved
  • 2 garlic cloves, pressed
  • 1 tsp fresh thyme, finely diced
  • ½ tsp salt
  • ½ cup extra virgin olive oil
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper, to season


  1. Cook the quinoa according to package directions with ½ tsp salt added to the water. Cool completely.
  2. For the dressing mix olive oil, garlic, basil and thyme. Whisk until well combined. Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper and set aside.
  3. To a large serving bowl, add the quinoa, rocket, chickpeas, red bell pepper, kalamata olives and Violife Greek White.
  4. Drizzle with the dressing and garnish with basil. Season to taste.